Vitality Retreat
Let's protect nature...
We believe in sustainable living through renewable energy, water recycling, permaculture gardening, and more!
There are many ways to go green!
We believe in sustainable living through renewable energy, water recycling, permaculture gardening, and more!
There are many ways to go green!
We believe in sustainable living through renewable energy, water recycling, permaculture gardening, and more!
There are many ways to go green!
Our actions
Easy access
to information
We are children of the 21st century, we have access to virtual information which is almost instantaneous like the internet, we can easily travel around the world thanks to planes so yes we pollute but also we can access information more easily to find positive solutions and thus implement real actions. This modernity, this technology, this knowledge allow us to compensate for our impact on nature.
Everyone has the opportunity to help nature
On our side, we decided to revitalize a desert land, to bring it back to life, to replant trees, plants, flowers, to recreate an ecosystem, to reintroduce earthworms into our soil, to sow our garden effective micro-organisms, to install basins so that insects and birds can come back. On our scale, we are doing our best to revitalize our desert.
About Mimi & Jacky
We have created the “Race to Green the Desert” project, a personal way of compensating in some way for our sporting trips, which are mostly done by plane. Thus part of our racing bonuses are donated to associations to plant trees. It seemed important to us to act on a larger scale and allow all the people who wish to go in our direction to meet around a common project, so we had the idea that on our different competitions you can also plant trees with us to plant a beautiful forest together!!!
Nothing is lost,
everything changes
Of course our consumption has changed, it is becoming thoughtful and conscious. Our daily habits have changed because we no longer use chemicals. We base ourselves on the law that in Nature nothing is lost, everything is transformed. Thus we value our waste such as our compost, our dry toilets, water, our boxes. We reuse our end-of-life products to give them a second mission such as tires, plastic boxes, etc.
Progress of the week
6:00 p.m. ✈ Arrival of trainees Presentation of the Raw Adventure Center and the week
MONDAY Run + swimming and recovery of sea water Discussion on the physiological functioning of the body
TUESDAY Kayak to see dolphins Discussion on human physiological nutrition
WEDNESDAY Climb to Teide 3718m: adventure! Discussion on water, seawater and connection to the earth
Hiit training by Coach Jacky
Discussion of purging, cleansing and fasting
Forest walk on the lush side of Tenerife
Discussion on the food transition
Swimming with fish
Individual interview & personalized plan
Start of the Detox course
Nous adaptons le programme en fonction de la demande du groupe et de la météo.
Included: our experience & knowledge, airport shuttle, living food, activities, all nights, place respecting the planet, permaculture garden, our smile & energy!
Not included: plane
Our Eco Center
in Tenerife
For many years we have traveled the world looking for a nice place to set up our base. Tenerife was only supposed to be a vacation spot for a fortnight, but we spent a month and a half there and decided to buy some land. During a long bike ride, we imagined the creation of a training center that would also be our home on this paradise island. After many more trainings, the seed grew and we were certain of our goal: to create the training center that we dreamed of during our world tour: high quality facilities covering many sports, with perfect weather and good food!
The training center has evolved over the past few years. We started with a normal diet, but it became more and more vegetarian during our travels, as meat was difficult to store in our van. We found we were physically fit after becoming vegetarians, so we started learning about alternative nutrition. This is how we finally became vegan and since 2013 we have been raw food vegans which for us is an amazing way to live.
We love to share our experiences as raw food vegans; it is an incredible source of health, which is why we really want to give everyone the opportunity to experience this diet in our center and with our advice on how to do it correctly. We would also like to share our experience in sustainable living… We are self-sufficient in energy with a solar system (panels, batteries and water heater). We recycle our water to water our permaculture garden. We use a dry toilet and have two composts (human and vegetable waste). We make our own products to clean the house and our clothes…. There are so many easy ways to go eco-friendly at home!
Our center is based on sharing our lifestyle, our diet, our training tips, our experiences….
Enjoy every moment !
For many years we have traveled the world looking for a nice place to set up our base. Tenerife was only supposed to be a vacation spot for a fortnight, but we spent a month and a half there and decided to buy some land. During a long bike ride, we imagined the creation of a training center that would also be our home on this paradise island. After many more trainings, the seed grew and we were certain of our goal: to create the training center that we dreamed of during our world tour: high quality facilities covering many sports, with perfect weather and good food!
The training center has evolved over the past few years. We started with a normal diet, but it became more and more vegetarian during our travels, as meat was difficult to store in our van. We found we were physically fit after becoming vegetarians, so we started learning about alternative nutrition. This is how we finally became vegan and since 2013 we have been raw food vegans which for us is an amazing way to live.
We love to share our experiences as raw food vegans; it is an incredible source of health, which is why we really want to give everyone the opportunity to experience this diet in our center and with our advice on how to do it correctly. We would also like to share our experience in sustainable living… We are self-sufficient in energy with a solar system (panels, batteries and water heater). We recycle our water to water our permaculture garden. We use a dry toilet and have two composts (human and vegetable waste). We make our own products to clean the house and our clothes…. There are so many easy ways to go eco-friendly at home!
Our center is based on sharing our lifestyle, our diet, our training tips, our experiences….
Enjoy every moment !
Upcoming retreats
Lire les dernières newslettersJuillet 2023 - Tour de France, pierres & voyages Janvier 2023 - Coucou à tous du Vietnam Juin 2022 - Coucou à tous d’Inde Février 2022 - Voilà 2022 nous y sommes Juillet 2021 - Sèmes des sourires et tu récolteras le bonheur Mai 2021 - Crusine Physiologique en ligne ! Février 2021 - Nous créons notre réalité ! Août 2020 - Bienvenue dans notre Raw Adventure Monde ! Juillet 2020 - Notre première newsletter !