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To improve
your life

MyJak® Shop

We love to create where you offer innovative objects or to improve your life! All products in this mini shop are tested and approved by us.

Price: 195€ + 10€ for shipping

Grounding bed sheets

Details of the product

Size : 220cm x 240cm
Materials : Coton biologique et fibre d’argent
Connexion : French plug, 3m cable


The connection to the Earth allows an exchange of energy, allows us to regulate our electrical charge, just as we do for our electrical appliances so that they do not burn out. We also absorb negative ions which neutralize the free radicals we produce and which are waste products for our body.

As not all of us can walk barefoot in the forest all day or sleep every night on the grass, the Myjak Connected Sheet is a good alternative for the modern man.

Made of organic cotton and silver threads, connected to the earth of your house by an electrical outlet, the Myjak Connected Sheet will be your link with the earth.

What is the interest?

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Better sleep

  • Improves mood

  • Reduces pain

  • Accelerates regeneration

  • Improves the immune system

  • Reduces stress

  • Synchronizes circadian rhythm

  • Facilitates adaptation to jet lag

  • Improves blood circulation

The connection to the Earth is as important to our bodies as the air, water and food we take in.

For more information you can read Clinton Ober's book "Earthing", the man who highlighted, in the 1950s, the need for our health to be connected to the Earth.

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“Be the change you wish to see in the world”


© Mimi & Jacky
Webdesign by Tiphaine Saborit

Contact us

Myriam Guillot & Jacky Boisset

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